Rendezvous with a Prince

My dear Sunshine,

20th of October 2017 was one of the most exciting days of our lives. It was the day we had been planning for months. A moment when a photograph was going to become a person. It was the day when we took an early morning flight to come and see you for the very first time, unbeknownst to you.

We weren’t sure when we began the journey towards you if you would want us or not. I realise now that that is a strange question to ponder as prospective parents. Most others just go and pick up babies or tiny tots assuming they are already theirs. Not so with us. You were a week shy of being eight years old then. You were fully cognizant of your estate. You were rooted in your home. This wasn’t going to be easy for you. We had to be sure you wanted us as much as we wanted you, so very much. We had to come and meet you as strangers and watch you, and hope that you would desire us too.

The day was as fresh as my memory now. We circled about until we could spot your large, three storeyed pale blue home with sapphire borders. It was situated on a quiet avenue marked with tall trees with fresh leaves. We barely entered through the gates when your friends G*, Milo* and Ian* ran to us, jubilant and eager to be our hosts. They grabbed our suitcases and led us up a steep flight of stairs. Aaron* was beaming with a welcome smile and Riley* the little bear welcomed me with a warm hug. Several others scooted to us and greeted us with exciting grins,yet, there was still no sign of you.

And then you appeared. You popped up sheepishly from behind all the greeters, legs folded on a soft blue scooter, head tilted, eyes wide and wondering who we were and what we were upto. I had to catch my breath! After many months of gazing at one photo and trying to imagine what you would be like, we finally caught a glimpse of the real you! Trying to not take your special attention but raring to throw my arms around you and hear you call me “Mommy!”, I went around greeting everyone and asking their names and finally came to you. I took your tender hands in mind, shook it and introduced myself, and you kept gazing me at with a twinkle in your eye. “Abhi” , you responded in greeting.

Faces of my Prince

We spent the rest of our first day together, without a word going out that we were there only for you. Most of the others were quickly all over us, longing for our kisses and hugs, but you sat a hand-breadth away on that blue couch, speculating the reason for our sudden presence. I still remember our time in the neighbourhood park, where Venky and I took turns to carry you around and find out your favourite things. Cars, helicopters, planes, spider-man. Anything that either ran or flew fast, stuff that gave your immobile feet wings. We even spotted one while we were taking a turn around, and you shouted with such excitement! You had your first ever swing ride on my lap that day. The fear of falling off from the same was palpable. But I held you tight and whispered into your ear, “Trust me, I’ve got you!”. And you did. You hooted and squealed as we swung. We did notice, you asked us the same questions over and over again. Was it the excitement? Or the intentionality to remember us? your love for people? Your lapse of memory? I do not know my dear. We were struggling to understand you, we still do at times, but we wished to enter into your world. Before noon, Venky and I were conclusive that you were going to be our prince.

Daddy carrying A around the park

By sunset, you moved onto my lap and became more comfortable with my presence. I took you in my arms and began to sing a love song I’ve long wanted to sing to you, gently swaying your frail body,

If I were a ship
I’d sail to your shore
Just to see my true love
The one I adore
I would part all these provinces
In my paper boat
And I’d kiss you and kiss you and kiss you
‘Til we both just float

At the very moment, our eyes met. And I think you knew then, I parted my province and came just to see you. While you bade goodbye to us without great emotion, we knew you were looking forward to seeing us again. “When are you coming back?”, you quizzed Venky. “Soon”. “How soon?” We felt it best to answer your question with my presence during your eighth birthday. For we knew we were coming back soon to take you as our own. How soon? Sooner than you would imagine my darling boy!

*Online Names have be used to protect identity of these children.

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