Leading gently.
I’m Sarmishta and I’m honoured to meet you and invite you into my story. I’m a Certified Biblical Counselor with ACBC, a pastor’s wife and spiritual mentor to several women, a designer, and a passionate mother and teacher to my son who lives with spina bifida.
*Counseling is now available online for anyone, anywhere around the world!*

This space is dedicated to your spiritual well-being. If you are broken, lonely, terrified, hurting, or hopeless, know that you are not alone in your suffering. Scriptures teach that almost everything you go through is felt or experienced by others around you too, like tremors on the floor (1 Corinthians 10:13, 1 Peter 5:9). Help is near, and you only need ask. Talk to me and I can help you find a way through your struggles.
Learn about my Biblical counseling philosophy, ask me anything on the biblical counseling process, make an appointment for counseling, learn how to overcome common issues in your life or find recommended resources, all from the comfort of your home online.
Looking for a counseling appointment ? Let me take you there.
With Jeremy Solomon on Biblical Counseling
Begin at 13:05 for a candid talk with theater artist Jeremy Solomon on my story and challenges in Biblical Counseling.
(Un)Conditional Love: Documentary
Docu filmmaker Meha Dedhia has weaved a beautiful story of several special needs adoptive parents and their perspectives
With Indiaanya on Adoption in India
Four women discuss their adoption journeys with Indiaanya host Sue Gordon
From the blog
Protected: Shame embraced
The Power of No
The Megachurch and the Modest God
In affliction we learn what we could not otherwise.
William Cooper, Puritan Sermons