The dying art of Biblical Counseling

This post was first published on GentleReformation as a tribute to my counseling mentor and erstwhile professor Dr. George Scipione. A few years ago, I was in the US going through my biblical counseling certification. Afriend opened up a question to me at that time, “So, what have been your observations counseling folks from ourContinue reading “The dying art of Biblical Counseling”

Psalm 23: When the Lord becomes your Shepherd

Psalm 23 has been a personal favourite for many, for centuries. Often it is the only Psalm still sung in some churches. The powerful Scottish-isle-like imagery takes our imaginations through surreal pastures sprinkled with snowy sheep bleating baahs and savouring refreshing waters by the streams. Psalm 23 is, however, not primarily interested in talking about our spiritual road trip. It’s aim is underscored in the first verse, which sets the expectation for the rest of the Psalm in motion: